成交价格: USD 2880
拍卖公司: SA
拍卖状态: 成交
WU: Anonymous, 222-280, AE cash (9.19g), H-11.35, da quan er qian (large coin, [value] two thousand), light encrustation, VF, RR, ex Dr. Dirk Löer Collection. Because of inflation, the real purchasing power of the this and other coins in the da quan series were far less than an equivalent in wu zhu coins cast during the Han Dynasty. The da quan er qian coins were cast in small quantities and had limited circulation. As a result, they are very rare. The size and weight of the coins clearly decreased over time.
拍品估价: RMB 100
拍品专场: 上海泓盛2023年秋拍-古钱
开拍日期: 2023-09-29 09:30:00
结标日期: 2023-09-29 19:30:00
拍品品相: 极美品
成交价格: RMB 2875
拍卖公司: 上海泓盛
拍卖状态: 成交