战国楚金郢爰一枚半成交价蕉林2020-09-29郢爰547 拍品估价: USD 5000 – 7000拍品专场: SBP2020年5月香港-古钱金银锭 机制币中央开拍日期: 2020-05-05 11:00:00结标日期: 2020-05-05 18:00:00拍品品相: 华夏 古XF82成交价格: USD 5040拍卖公司: SBP拍卖状态: 成交拍品描述:楚金版郢爱 华夏楚国爰金。战国时代。郢爰。 大小:23.6×18毫米,重量:23.1克。正面: 1-1/2方块戳记为篆书”郢爰”;反面:空白。仍保留光泽,两侧有沉积物和皮壳。金质货币早期粗铸雏形,金块早期用于丧事,而非日常交易。On September 1, 2019, the United States enacted new tariffs on collectors items manufactured in China. Accordingly, all buyers in forthcoming Stacks Bowers and Ponterio Hong Kong Auctions who wish to have any Chinese manufactured item delivered within the United States will be subject to these tariffs.Furthermore, as a result of the new tariffs, all orders will be shipped directly from our Hong Kong offices and shipments to the United States will be subject to our international shipping chart.CHINA. State of Chu. “Yuan Jin” Gold Cube Money, ND (ca. 475-221 B.C.). Warring States Period. Graded “82” by Huaxia Coin Grading Company. Hartill-5.1. Dimensions: 23.6×18 mm. Weight: 23.1 gms. Obverse: 1-1/2 square stamps reading “Ying Yuan” in seal script; Reverse: Plain. A good deal of brilliance remains, though some deposits and encrustation are noted on each side.An early and crude form of gold currency, it is more probable that these “cubes” were used as funeral money rather than for use in everyday commerce. 以上文章由蕉林收集来源于网上:蕉林收藏鉴定-更真实客观的线上鉴定评估平台 » 战国楚金郢爰一枚半成交价蕉林蕉林收藏鉴定,更真实的鉴定估价平台,让喜欢收藏的藏友少走弯路,了解自身藏品的真假以及真实的价格。(jiaolin.net)去伪存真。标签郢爰